Lightspeed is the unified point of sale and payments platform powering the world’s best retail and hLightspeed is the unified point of sale and payments platform powering the world’s best retail and hospitality businesses.ospitality businesses.

The new way
to build onepagers.

Sella is a fully visual tool that allows you to create single-page pages, edit their content, and publish them. Start using Sella.

Version 1.5
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How to use Sella.

After logging in there is a standard WordPress dashboard. We have removed all unnecessary so as not to distract you from the important thing – creating pages.


Go to the Sella section on the right menu to see a list of all one-pagers. On this screen you can:

  • Sort pages by date
  • Display only the ones you created
  • Find pages by it’s author
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You can also select the page you want to edit or duplicate, as well as create a completely new page from scratch.

Adding pages.

To create a new page Click Add New on the left upper corner.

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You will see a blank editor screen. Let’s add the first module: click the Plus icon in the top left corner.

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There is a 11 modules that can be used to build one-pagers.

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The title module, with the image of the product and its description. This module talks about the main essence of the proposal.

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Module with image and text description.

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Module with the image of the merchant and his quote.

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A simple text block with a heading, subline and bullets.

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Module with variable number of columns of text and images.

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List with icons

Lined up text blocks with icons.

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A list of tags briefly highlighting the benefits of the offer.

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A static image gallery with two possible templates.

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The best way to represent our partners of clients logos.

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Legal information

Module to put some legal information, disclaimer or terms of use here.

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Same as List with icons, but with numbers instead.

Content editing.

It’s time to add content. Just click on the text element you want to fill and add content. To add an image, click on the blue icon in the corner of the placeholder.

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Modules settings.

Each block has a unique set of settings that can be found in the editor panel on the right. All of these settings have passed design tests so it is possible to use them in any combination.

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Modules customization

After that, you can customize the modules using the right panel: change the template, enable or disable some elements, and select a background color.

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Shuffle modules

You can move modules on the page, delete or clone, using the module control panel, in the upper left corner of the block.

Adding contacts.

Last but not least is the Contacts block. Let the merchant contact you by phone or email. You can also edit the address of the Lightspeed site depending on the region in which you are located.

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Click Save Draft and then preview to make sure your page looks as you wish. If you would like to contribute any changes, just go back to the editor tab, make your changes, and save the draft again. Refresh the page on the preview tab and you will see your changes.

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It’s time to publish the page. In the editor window, click the Publish button. The URL slug will be added automatically from the title of your page. It can be changed.

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How to save your one-pager as PDF

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In Chrome hit Cmd + P

Open one-pager in a new tab, and hit Command+P.

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More settings

In appeared window pick Save as PDF and click on More settings.

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Setting up

In appeared menu set parameters as shown on the picture: Paper size:A4, Pages on sheet:1, Margins: Default, Scale: Customised(50).

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Preview and save

When all set preview your PDF and click Save.